April 18, 2013

Week 16-Day 105 & 106

I knew it would happen eventually-time gets away and I end up trying to catch up.  But that's OK because I have been in the studio working some long hours trying to get some paintings done for the fair this year.  Yup-I haven't entered a fair in over 10 years and thought it might be time to enter some of my paintings.  Anyway, this week I thought I would share a game board I created for the first mixed media book I co-authored with Sherre, Leslie & Elizabeth: "Exploring the Latest Trends in Mixed Media Art" Volume I.  This art project didn't make it into the book, but I love the way it turned out.  My Grandkids love to play this game, as they get to make up their own rules.  I have only one rule for them and that is their playing piece must go to each color sometime during the game.  That means they have to either roll the dice or spin the wheel and move a playing piece around the board.  What else they do is up to them.  This entertains them for quite awhile and they will even play it alone.  This allows them to use their creative side and they both are gifted when it comes to art and having imaginations.   The second image was run through one of my ios apps called: Picsart.  It has some of the neatest filters and the black & white ones are terrific. 
If you haven't guessed what the word for this week is:  it's "Games". 

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